Tuesday, April 20, 2010
UAL Benifits
There is a shortcut to it under the Resources tab at the top of the page. I got it working this morning. There was a little confusion. I got straighten out.
After going to the site www.ualbenefits.com
1: Your Employee ID is your 6 digit file number. That is with leading zeros if needed.
2:Your Password is your Pin number given to you from the benefits department.
Benefits Help # 1 888 825 0188
Friday, April 16, 2010
Mary Ellen Lee Update
Mary Ellen was diagnosed with cancer Oct. 2008. She has spent the last year taking different chemos and some newer types of therapy for it, and has been in and out of the hospital many times during that period. The drugs are not working & though she could try more, she has decided not to do so.
The family has now gotten a 24 hour caretaker & Hospice is there for her. I visited today with her, and though she is now pretty much bedridden, she looked better than I'd seen in a long time and we had a good chat recalling our many years of adventures together
I know that she has many friends from work that are probably unaware of her illness, would like to know, and send her a card. Would you please put something on Seabuds to get the word out?
Her address is; Mary Ellen Lee, 20511 - 9th Ave. W., Lynnwood, WA., 98036
Friday, April 9, 2010
NAMIWalks for the Mind of America
Dear All,
I am writing you today to tell you about an upcoming event that I am participating. It is NAMIWalks for the Mind of America, NAMI’s signature walkathon event that is being held in Seattle, WA at Magnuson Park at Sand Point - enter at 74th St. on May 15, 2010.
As most of you know, I have a severely mentally ill sister.
I would like to ask you to come and walk with me or to donate to support my participation in this great event. Visit my personal walker page to sign up: http://www.nami.org/namiwalks10/SEA/slieb. There is also a link so you can donate directly to me online. Donating online is fast and secure, and I'll get immediate notification via e-mail of your donation.
NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the largest education, support and advocacy organization that serves the needs of all those whose lives are touched by these illnesses. This includes persons with mental illness, their families, friends, employers, the law enforcement community and policy makers. The NAMI organization is composed of approximately 1100 local affiliates, 50 state offices and a national office.
The goals of the NAMIWalks program are: to fight the stigma that surrounds mental illness, to build awareness of the fact that the mental health system in this country needs to be improved, and to raise funds for NAMI so that they can continue their mission.
NAMI is a 501(c)3 charity and any donation you make to support my participation in this event is tax deductible. NAMI has been rated by Worth magazine as among the top 100 charities "most likely to save the world" and has been given an "A" rating by The American Institute of Philanthropy for efficient and effective use of charitable dollars.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Best to Everyone,
Sue Liebling