Friday, October 5, 2007
Staying connected
What a fun way to stay connected and so simple. Tom has done all the work to make this possible and I appreciate it so much. I'm always taking my camera to work and adding to my album, they always ask are you retiring soon since you are taking the pictures, no I've done this for years and have so many wonderfull memories to look back on. My daughter Melissa is still flying (10 years) I always look for the LA layover so I can be with her for a short while or we combine a layover together, we recently were able to fly a trip to Denver together (way to early for me 6 am) but Denny said you might not get another chance! The boys are still writing their testimony, meaning they are living on the wrong side of the tracks, they are making some pretty bad choices and putting alot of grey hair on my head. Zach has been addicted to Meth for almost five years, awful awful drug! He has been thru six treatment centers (in patient and out) The newest one is in White Center, The Cross Church and Descipleship Church, absolutly amazing, it is a sixth month commitment. He totally changed into the Man of God he was prophesied to be, he was Baptized on mothers day. Denny and I just love the Church it is so full of men and women who have been down in the depths of Hell and have come back to lead a wonderful life. If anyone out there has anything they could donate to the treatment center like clothes, bedding, furniture etc. they can use it all, The Pastor and his wife have dedicated their life to this place in the middle of White Center and they are doing an amazing job for the homeless and the men and women in treatment. I'm sorry to say that Zach left after two months, for his girlfriend as she would not be involved with the church or treatment, he did fine for a few months and now he is back on meth........worse than ever! Please pray for him as his choices if he continues are going to be prison or death! For the many of you that know Denny and have bought your Toyota's from him (thank you) he is suffering the affects of that horrible agent orange from Viet Nam. He's diabetic and has had prostate cancer that they relate to the agent orange, he see's a varitey of Drs. to keep him on all the right meds. Well I'm going to sign off. Please have a Blessed day, Love Julie Hamilton