Diane Laird-Miller. She is not doing well at all and has been moved to Kirkland. Time is
of the essence and I know Diane would appreciate hearing from us. Her family is up from California and of course her boys are right there as they have been throughout this ordeal.
Diane came home from the hospital a number of months ago and when I called her she sounded like the old Diane. She was
walking daily, albeit with a walker and determined to make it through. She made a couple of trips down to see her folks in
CA and was really on the mend but unfortunately the cancer returned.
I went to see her yesterday and I just reminisced about the good old days. Cards and letters I know would be tremendously appreciated, and a visit too ~
Diane's address now is:
Hospice Evergreen, 12822 124th Lane NE, Wing 2, room 14, Kirkland, WA 98034.
Trudy Steinhauer