I just want to let you know about Caryl Jones. She had a rather BIG accident in her yard and shattered her right shoulder. She is having surgery tomorrow, Tues., to have her shoulder replaced. Her shoulder was so messed up there was nothing to attach a pin or anything.
She has asked me and I am also asking you to NOT call her. She is in so much pain her sleep is totally disrupted as she only gets an hour here and there. Terry Miller will be looking after her when she comes home from the hospital. She is hoping to make the functions the following wk, spaghetti feed and picnic so please plan on seeing and talking to her then. She will have a yr of rehab to look forward to after her surgery. If you would like to send her a card her address is: 1472 E Shoreview Dr., Freeland, WA 98249.
I look forward to seeing you on Whidbey - if you have any questions, comments, concerns please email me or call me (206-526-0918 Sea - Cell 206-334-0918 or my Whidbey # 360-331-3522 I'll be up on WHidbey starting next Sun the 6th)
We all wish Caryl well and look forward to her having a speedy recovery. Thanks Jane