Come One Come ALL
The Annual South end Christmas Luncheon Will be held at Marie Calenders in Federal Way Thursday December 13th. This is the big one there will be seating for up to 60 people so get your name on the list
The Annual South end Christmas Luncheon Will be held at Marie Calenders in Federal Way Thursday December 13th. This is the big one there will be seating for up to 60 people so get your name on the list
cut-off date for the December luncheon is December 6th, the Thursday before. That will give me time to order the choices and make the seating arrangements, etc.There is a 72 hour cancellation notice otherwise I will be charged $50. If people cannot commit a week before then they probably won't come anyway.Thanks very much.Respectfully,Jan M. Loomis
Click on Image above for a big picture