Hi Everyone and Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
I wanted to say a few words about Susie Graves Memorial and how nice it was. About 20-25 of us were there. I introduced myself to her brother and he said he was pleased to see us as he didn't know how to get ahold of her FA friends. I told him we had our ways of getting the word out. He gave a nice eulogy and said that she was 10 yrs older than him and when he was 10 she left for flying. How she loved balloons and the color purple and how she probably wore purple underwear, but he didn't know for sure. Mary Tooker spoke to him and said how she had flown a lot with Susie and yes she did indeed wear purple underwear. As far as what happened to Susie her sister volunteered the following to us nosey ladies. She had had a heart attack in March and of course xrays had been taken but nothing had shown up until 30 days before she died when she was diagnosed with lung cancer and in those 30 days she ended up dying of brain cancer, it had traveled and grown that fast. The last 10 yrs had been hard on her and some days were just too painful to get out of bed. She's at peace and out of pain now but always in our thoughts and memories.
About that sending a card to soldiers - no good - go to www.snopes.com and there is an article stating the Post Ofc will not accept cards addressed that way (To Any Recovering or Injured Soldier) - good idea but it doesn't work.
Well, two wks from today we leave for Barcelona for 3 nites and then our cruise across the Atlantic. Getting excited about that. I hear from a lot of you that you are also doing some traveling - this is exactly what needs to be posted on Tom's chatter blog www.seabuds.seasw@blogger.com - so let us all know what you're up to. Put it in your favorites and you go right there. This email will also be posted there.
Take care everyone and Happy Holidays to you all Jane