Greetings from Oregon.
Retirement is busy on this end too. We find ourselves dealing with those how-did-it-happen-to-me health issues, aging parents, children, money, and you-name-it! We are in the same boat, but count our blessings each day and find humor where we can. Here's the latest from the couple who celebrate 25 years of marriage in October:
Two months ago, Hal and I opened 'Birds and Be' in the historic Seven Gables Cottages in Lincoln City, OR. Hal's origami passion needed to directed outside our home as we were constantly stepping on paper birds and all the other creatures. This vintage bungalow is a small retail studio displaying origami wreaths, driftwood/manzanita sculptures and my vintage bird ephemera, felted handbags, books - all things relating to flora and fauna, emphasizing recycled, upcycled, reclaimed. Hal manages the shop while I run around with my camera and continue to volunteer at the North Lincoln County Historical Museum. My current project is a walking tour brochure for Taft, OR.
We would love to hear from you or see you walk through the door of our little shop. Best wishes to all.
Kathryn Fernandez