Well I haven't gotten any new news in some time so haven't sent anything out in awhile and then I guess you could say the shit hit the fan in my life.
My father unexpectedly passed away May 17th, and since my mother went blind 5 yrs ago, I immediately had to go to my house on Whidbey, where they have been living, to be with her. They don't have a computer, plus no one has the email list but me in my Sea house, so I haven't been on a computer in 3 wks. Instead I've been taking care of business with my mom and will now have power of attorney for all of her stuff, and also for a sister in a home in Snohomish as soon as I have my apptmt. with the soc sec ofc later this month. I do have another sister in Cal who has stepped up and will be taking my mom for 3 mos. from the end of June. This will give me more time to finish cleaning out the house on Whidbey and more of the house in the city, to do what, I'm not exactly sure just yet. Of course I had no idea of where anything was so have been going through 6 dressers (still have 1 to go) and stacks of paperwork, my father's idea of filing has consisted of grocery shopping bags and shoe boxes. Of course he only became responsible for the bookwork, house cleaning, cooking etc in the last 5 yrs. So far I believe he kept every piece of paper he got from anyone. I've even found fed taxes from the 70's and 80's from an uncle who passed away in 1985. My mom had clothes in 4 different dressers and I now have her down to 2. No wonder she never knew what she had. So I've been hauling out bags and bags and bags of clothes and garbage. Mom can't see what I'm throwing out anyway so I've had free reign. "Oh it's nothing you need" I keep telling her. She just laughs and trusts me.
For those in the neighborhood we will be having a memorial on June 26th, 1 PM at St Hubert's Catholic Church in Langley on Whidbey with a luncheon following. I feel silly saying if you want to send me a card blah blah so I know you wish me well. I've already received many cards and ph calls and Caryl Jones has called or come by the house every day since I've been up there. Thank you Caryl it really means a lot to me. My daughter and grandson will be arriving from PA on Monday to help me out for about a month or so.
I ran into Dave Briggs on the island and he told me his partner, Linda Fauth, was diagnosed with breast cancer in Dec and is now half way through her chemo treatments to be followed with radiation. Her prognosis is excellent - if you would like to send Linda a card/note her address is 3075 Saratoga Rd., Langley, WA 98260, email LSF@whidbey.com
I hope everyone is well and you're planning on coming up to Whidbey this yr for the picnic, would love to see you. Take care Jane