I have received feedback from the Corporate Security Compliance Team about retiree access to the new crew access program… and it's not necessarily positive, but at least it's an answer. According to them, the policy that was put in place to service retirees does require access to list on flights. WebList is the tool of choice for listing on flights, with 1-800-UAL-LIST as an alternative. All Unimatic access terminates at retirement. With that in mind, they are not opening up access directly to Apollo or Unimatic for retirees at this time.
I understand that there are some portions of the travel listing experience that are not included with WebList, specifically some of the NRSA commands to find your rank on the flight. I don't anticipate WebList to get enhanced with rankings anytime soon, so you'll have to rely on the red/yellow/green indicators within WebList for now. The gate area displays at the hubs are now showing rankings pre-flight as well.