Hi Everyone As you know I created http://www.seabuds.com/ for you. Thru your generous contributions. The cost to me has only been time and that time has more than paid for itself in the learning experience. I have tried over the years to encourage participation by all of you. I got Judy Merrell involved in posting the day to day stuff with Judy's Scoop. But that seems to have dried up. Then I tried getting people involved by creating a FORUM. That was a little tricky "another learning experience". Since then technology has come a long way. Now we have THE BLOG. I know you all have heard of Blogging (web LOG) it can't get much simpler than this. Infact it's so simple you can just send an email to the SeaBuds Blog and it will post for all to see and comment on. (send me and eamil and I will give you the email addres to do this) Very Cool. To take it a step further I can create an account for you so you can Post, Edit or Delete YOUR posts you can even add pictures very simply. As we come in contact. I always hear "Thank You so much for doing SeaBuds" Well remember SeaBuds is YOURS. If we can get people to use it as a place to share our adventures and lives. We will forever keep closer. Think of SeaBuds as our Jump seat. When you want to share some news be it an upcoming event, A trip you are taking, a new grandkid or even a question you may have. The Blog is the real deal. The SeaBuds blog is a private blog meaning it's not just out there for the bloging world to see it's only available for those who know the URL (internet address) http://seabudschatter.blogspot.com/ to see. I know you ALL do email and this is no harder than that I know you All want to keep in touch and have so much you want to share (the easy way) I know you all ask and wonder "how can I do that?"So JOIN IN and BLOG the SeaBuds Way.As ALWAYS I am here to at least try and help you with your computer questions and problems Now you can help me and join in.