Hi everyone...still (sort of) flying out of SEA. I seem to take more time off with wop, loa's and onsl than I spend at work, but it works for me. I'm still looking for a way out of this mess, and not succeeding. I have two part-time jobs on Whidbey, one at Island Tea Company, islandteacompany.com, and one at The Chef's Pantry, chefspantryonline.com And, when I have to, I fly. My oldest daughter, Amy, has moved back home with her two boys, Sabastian (7) and Nathanial (19 months). They keep me hopping, I must say. My brother is also living with us, and my parents, (some of you might remember my dad, retired SEA DC-10 Capt. Dave Dowsley), just bought a place about 2.5 miles from my home on Whidbey. They finally sold their place in eastern Washington and have almost completed the move. Dad is still grumbling and whining about the moe, but what the heck...Mom is happy. As for my hubby & I, he quit selling tools and is now installing septic systems and doing dirt work on the island. His company is called DirtMovers and he is in partnership with my brother. For those of you that remember me more for my attachment to cats, well, you will be surprised to learn that my menagerie is now down to one cat. My brother has three, so we still have a population going, but they aren't all mine anymore. Whatever will happen to my reputation and desire to die and be remembered as that crazy lady with all of the cats? My youngest daughter is still married and living in Fort Worth, TX and has a baby girl who turns one on Oct. 16. We are currently in the depths of a huge remodel on our house...and then we are selling it. Isn't that always the way? We have purchased land further north on the island, by Greenbank. All told. we have two parcels that equal 15 acres. We plan to build a green home and put in an orchard, have a few chickens, goats and pigs. Just call me farmer Jane. My body is falling apart, but somehow I'm going to tackle this next project.
That about sums up all that is happening in my world. It seems kind of odd that it takes up so much of my time, but takes so little to write it all down here! Hope this finds everyone well...Andrea Strickland