This may take a bit of a read so get the coffee or glass of wine. Our mother died in September 2003 (she was 79) she and Dad had a cleaning lady and our Mom had a hairdresser come to house as she was incapable to get out. Now the story begins, there are three of us girls I am the oldest. We didn’t think any thing of it when Dad continued to have the cleaning lady come or the hairdresser for that matter she would cut his hair do his nails etc. Actually check on him or so we thought.... Until this April 2007 I get a call from Dad and he is upset he tells me and I quote “they want me to get a reverse mortgage on the house and I don’t want to do that” Well all three of us scurry over to see what in heavens is going on. Dad has great retirement income ( WW 2 vet) etc and the house is paid the story really gets interesting and shocking.... for the first time our father lets us look at the bank statements etc . Hold on to your hat.... here it comes.... 3 months after our mother died our father changed his will.... the cleaning lady and the hairdresser were made power of attorneys, executors of his will, and are you ready.... yup they are on his will. Now it even gets better our father was overdrawn at the bank in January 2007 by $900.00. Oh yes and the checks we found were made out to the cleaning lady and the hairdresser. My sisters and I have documented that in the 3 years they have withdrawn over $330,000.00 from savings and income. Systematically every month since January 2004. Oops!!!! We have a problem here. Can we get the money back nope can we stop them from doing it to someone else maybe. (The bank manager hopes so) Since then our father passed away July 29.... 2 months before that we were able to change the power of attorney over to us but never got the will changed and now you guess the rest and the mess that is going on. So my advice to all of you if your parents tell you they are doing fine make sure make damn sure. Do not wait for a wake up call like we got. This more of a layover story than a jump seat story.... pour that extra glass of wine and check on Mom and Dad ... hugs to you all Linda Tanons
Thoughts become things, choose the good ones!