Seabuds Resources

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dianne Landreth Update

Dianne Landreth

Nancy Zellerhoff wrote to Woody about this......
Diane Landreth used to fly with us out of Seatle and retired awhile ago.
Her address is 2951 Backswing, Harper, OR 97908
Not sure of her status of now....this was from a few days ago....

(This is Amanda Cooper writing in first person for Dianne, trying to give you as personal of an experience as possible.)I was heading West down Hwy 20, about 15 miles from home, when my left front tire blew.  About two seconds later, I made contact with the concrete foundation of a house, instantly stopping my truck.  The impact caught my truck's engine on fire, which in turn ignited the house.  Luckily, a passersby was driving past with a fire extinguisher, and was able to tone down the fire until water completely put the fire out.  I was waiting in my truck for about two hours until the firefighters from Vale, Fruitland, and Ontario were able to extricate me from the demolished truck, and put me on Life Flight to St. Alphonsus in Boise, ID, because luckily, I am a member.  God must have a plan for me, because with the injuries I obtained, I am very lucky to be alive. 

June 20th, 2013

Written 23 hours ago
I have been heavily sedated in the ICU of St. Al's since Monday now, and I have been in and out of consciousness pretty randomly.  On Monday evening, when I arrived at the hospital, I was able to say a few words to the doctor, telling him that I knew who Kim and Gaylerd were, before they took me into surgery. My injuries include:
  • Five dislocated toes on my right foot
  • Right ankle/tibia fracture
  • Left hip broken
  • Pelvis broken on both sides, in five different spots
  • Ten ribs broken
  • Both scapulas fractured
  • Ulna/radius fracture
  • Broken wrist
  • My t4. t5, and t6 in my spine fractured
  • Fractured femural head
By some miracle, my brain is still in tip top shape.  I am pretty bruised, and I have stitches above my left eyebrow from contact with the steering wheel.  My first surgery of many, which occurred Monday night, was to remove the emergency brake from my upper left thigh.  It was about four inches long, and completely lodged in my thigh, which we think had something to do with the injury to the head of my femur.  They also put pins in the five toes, and a plate in my tibia, which will help it heal quickly. 
My left lung is severely bruised from the impact.  Because of this, I had to be put on a ventilator with 100% oxygen, which is supporting my life. Think of it this way: when you have a bruise on your leg or arm, it becomes hard and painful to touch or move.  The same situation is happening with my lung: it will not expand fully due to the hardness of the bruise.  The ventilator is giving my lung a break and helping it heal faster by helping me breathe. 
I was supposed to go into surgery for my broken hip this morning, but because of my lung complications, we are going to have to wait until i don't rely on the ventilator for 100% of my oxygen intake.  Hopefully that will be within the next couple of days.
I was lucky enough to be visited by Gaylerd, Kim, Amanda, Austin, Doug, and Terry Theriot at different points during the day.  I was asleep due to the pain medication when Amanda and Gaylerd were there with Kim and Austin, but I could hear Amanda telling me she loved me and Gaylerd telling me that he let Shelbers sleep in the house last night.  When Doug and Terry showed up with Kim and Austin, I woke up.  I woke up to Terry's voice, and him touching my arm.  It was a bit confusing hearing his voice; I wasn't entirely sure why he was there.  But when I opened my eyes and saw my grandson, daughter, son-in-law, and Terry, I became emotional and realized once again what was going on.
I hear your prayers and I can feel the love you all are sending to me.  Visitors are appreciated, two at a time in my room, but it will mean so much more in a few weeks when I am a bit more healed and coherent.  I'm not out of the woods yet, but your prayers are helping, because the doctors say that my wounds are healing very well.  Thank you for your prayers, more information to come tomorrow evening.